通信施設 - ニュース

[戻る]  [RSS2] - Up:2024-04-23T20:31:03+09:00

[うかフィード]ちょこっと地雷系 他 2024-04-23T20:31:03+09:00

[うかフィード]Calcs 2024-04-22T19:59:05+09:00

[うかフィード]鴉の足跡 2024-04-21T19:50:17+09:00

[うかフィード]模様織の服 2024-04-15T19:07:13+09:00

[うかフィード]伺か異形頭ゴースト祭2024 2024-04-15T00:25:48+09:00

[うかフィード]フリーシェル「さきゆく読路」 2024-04-14T20:00:47+09:00

[SSPBT]0000631: 人格不会在全屏程序起用时最小化 2024-04-14T09:36:24+09:00

[SSPBT]0000629: animation*.option,background stops working if surface that containes it is used in an animation of a different surface 2024-04-14T03:59:29+09:00

[うかフィード]明日が晴れになる前に。 2024-04-14T01:52:45+09:00

[うかフィード]吸血メスガキお嬢様 2024-04-10T20:57:10+09:00

[SSPBT]0000630: シェルの拡大縮小アルゴリズムについて 2024-03-20T18:05:17+09:00

[SSPBT]0000618: sstp expansion 2023-12-31T19:50:51+09:00
Desired sstp extension:br /Get version number of ssp via jsstpbr /Get list of installed ghost|shell|…

[SSPBT]0000617: Calling functions with %() doesn't seem to be working 2023-12-25T13:29:18+09:00

[SSPBT]0000616: ゴーストやプラグインにおけるOnOtherGhostTalkイベントでNoContentなイベントも補足できるようにしてほしい 2023-12-24T20:01:02+09:00
伺かプラグインを開発しているのですが、プラグインに他ゴーストのOnBalloonClose/OnBalloonBreakをトリガーにした処理を実装したいと思っています。br /ゴースト側がスクリプトを…

[SSPBT]0000606: animation*.option,exclusive,(ID,ID,ID...) does not seem to work 2023-07-14T13:29:56+09:00

[SSPBT]0000598: New z-order options 2023-05-23T13:18:40+09:00

[SSPBT]0000361: x-ukagaka-linkで起動するゴーストを指定したい 2023-03-12T18:11:23+09:00

[SSPBT]0000582: Whitelist mode for delete.txt 2023-03-07T13:20:30+09:00
Source from message: a href="https://ukadon.shillest.net/@steve02081504/109979520300505431" rel="noo…

[SSPBT]0000575: Vertical Menu Spacing option makes text unreadable when set to higher numbers 2023-03-01T20:04:15+09:00
I think this option is probably not working as intended. Increasing the vertical menu spacing simply…

[SSPBT]0000418: Some suggestions for icon animation 2023-02-19T21:55:15+09:00

[SSPBT]0000576: 最小化から復帰した時にバルーンが表示されないことがある 2023-02-15T16:00:23+09:00

[SSPBT]0000530: 音声合成機能をONにした状態でゴーストを終了すると、必ずSSPがフリーズします 2022-11-11T10:53:26+09:00

[SSPBT]0000352: Windows11環境ですべて終了を選択すると「sspは応答していません」というメッセージがでます。 2022-10-31T09:19:24+09:00

[SSPBT]0000548: Extra character balloons can't be dismissed from balloon test mode 2022-10-05T16:53:21+09:00
I used my ghost to help me with testing a balloon that had several characters, and now when I turn o…

[SSPBT]0000526: Add option to disable user skipping text 2022-08-18T12:57:53+09:00
Sometimes, I want to create an event with very specific timing. It would be nice if I could add a ta…

[SSPBT]0000520: dumpsurface for shells that are not in loading 2022-07-31T21:50:46+09:00
I wish there was something like this to provide a preview of the shells that have not been switched …

[SSPBT]0000516: Gamepad peripheral support 2022-07-16T01:34:16+09:00
It's a crazy (and funny) idea, but a friend of mine told me today that it would be nice to be able t…

[SSPBT]0000372: Allow surfaces to have non-numerical names 2022-06-21T04:49:34+09:00
I fully expect this to not be possible, but on the tiny chance that it is, I'll ask anyways.br /One …

[SSPBT]0000091: 多重着せ替えのinterpolate合成がうまくいっていない 2022-06-11T12:37:22+09:00

[SSPBT]0000506: Odd behavior of overlayfast when nested in dressups 2022-06-11T12:36:18+09:00

[SSPBT]0000501: Add time option to \![set,alpha] tag 2022-06-02T10:17:16+09:00
I think it would be great to have an optional argument for milliseconds in the alpha tag. I wanted m…

[SSPBT]0000497: Animated icons with the \![set,tasktrayicon] tag don't work 2022-05-28T16:45:04+09:00

[SSPBT]0000475: Random numbers showing up in error log 2022-05-01T12:09:00+09:00